Our Labooratory
There are 3 Solution Preparation Laboratories within our laboratory. All necessary preparations and necessary materials before analysis are made in these laboratories.
- Solution Preparation Laboratory-1
- Solution Preparation Laboratory-2
- Solution Preparation Laboratory-3
Within the Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
- 1) Elementel Analiz Cihazı(Marka: Costech)
- 2) FT-IR Sistemi(Marka:Agilent Cary 630)
- 3) Analitik Hassas Terazi( Marka: Sartorius)
Within our General Chemistry Laboratory:
- 1) UV-VIS Spektrofotometre(Marka: Agilent Cary 60)
- 2) Santrifüj Cihazı(Marka:Zentrifugen Universal 320 R)
- 3) 6' lı Balon Isıtıcı (Marka: WiseTherm)
- 4) Spektorfotometre(Marka: Milestone Spectroquant Prove 600)
- 5) Termoreaktör(Marka:Milestone Spectroquant TR 420)
- 6)Preperatif HPLC(Thermo Ultimate 3000)
- 7)Floresans UV(Agilent Cary Eclipse)
Within the Ion Analysis Laboratory in our laboratory:
- 1) İyon Kromatografisi Cihazı(Marka Thermo ICS 5000)
- 2) Taşınabilir Hava İyon Sayacı(Marka: COM System COM-3800)
- 3) Taşınabilir Hava Radon Ölçüm Cihazı(Marka:Durridge RAD 7)
There are 2 Additive Residue Laboratories within our laboratory, named Additive Residue Laboratory 1 and Additive Residue Laboratory 2.
Within the Additive Residue Laboratory 1:
- 1) GC MS-MS Gaz Kromatografi Sistemi(Marka: Agilent 7000 Triple Quad)
- 2) GC FID Gaz Kromatografisi(Marka: Agilent 7820 A )
- 3) GC MS Gaz Kromatografi Sistemi(Marka: Thermo Grace Ultra)
There are 2 Additive Residue Laboratories within our laboratory, named Additive Residue Laboratory 1 and Additive Residue Laboratory 2.
Within the Additive Residue Laboratory 2:
- 1) LC MS-MS Sıvı Kromatografi Sistemi( Marka: Agilent 6460 Triple Quad)
- 2) HPLC DAD-FLD Yüksek Performanslı Sıvı Kromatografisi(Marka: Agilent 1260 İnfinity)
- 3) HPLC DAD-RID Yüksek Performanslı Sıvı Kromatografisi(Marka: Agilent 1260 İnfinity)
Within the Mineral Analysis Laboratory in our Laboratory:
- 1) ICP-MS Sistemi(Marka: Agilent 7700 Series )
- 2) Atomik Absorbsiyon Spektroskopisi AAS (Marka: Agilent 240 FS AA)
Within our Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratory:
- 1) Yatay Elektroforez(Marka:Hoefer)
- 2) Mikro Hacimli Spektrofotometre (Marka: Maestrogen MN-913)
- 3) Otomatik DNA Elektroforezi Sistemi(Marka:QIAGEN QIAxcel Advanced)
- 4) DNA İzolasyon Cihazı(Marka:QIAGEN QIacube)
- 5) Thermal Cycler(Marka:Sensquest Labcycler)
- 6) Real Time PCR (Marka:QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q)
- 7) Jel Görüntüleme Sistemi(Marka:Gen Box)
- 8) Otomatik Doku Homojenizatörü(Marka: Bioprep 24 )
There are 2 sample preparation laboratories in our laboratory. These laboratories include:
- 1) Mikrodalga Yakma Ünitesi(Marka: Milestone Ethos ONE)
- 2) Liyofilizatör(Marka:Chirist)
- 3) Saf Su Cihazı(Marka:Milestone Rios Tm 8 )
- 4) Ultra Saf Su Cihazı(Marka: Milestone Direct-Q 5 UV)
- 5) Kül Fırını(Marka:Carbolite)
- 6) Vakumlu Etüv(Marka:Binder)
- 7) Homojenizatör(Marka:IKA T25)
- 8) Çalkalamalı Su Banyosu(Marka: WiseBath)
- 9) 3'lü Balon Isıtıcı(Marka: WiseTherm)
- 10) Soğutmalı İnkübatör(Marka: Memmert UN 100)
- 11) Etüv(Marka: Memmert IPP 55)