Job Descriptions

The director and his duties

The Director is appointed by the Rector for a period of three years from among the University's salaried academic staff or faculty members. The Director whose term has expired may be reappointed using the same procedure.

The duties of the director are as follows:

​a) To represent the center.

​b) To chair the Board of Directors and ensure the implementation of the decisions taken by this Board.

c) To carry out the administrative affairs of the Center and to exercise general supervision and control over the Center personnel.

c) To recommend to the Rector the academic staff or faculty members who will serve on the Board of Directors.

d) To chair and manage the commissions and working groups to be established at the center.

e) To report the needs and budget of the Center, together with the justifications, to the Rectorate after the decision of the Board of Directors.

f) To provide information to the Rector regarding the Center at the end of each activity year and when requested.

g) To inform the Rector about the activities prepared and implemented by the Board of Directors.

ğ) Invite the Advisory Board to a meeting at least once a year.

h) To audit the activities of the center in accordance with the relevant legislation.

​i) To perform other duties assigned by the relevant legislation.

Assistant directors and their duties

A maximum of two people, to be suggested by the Director from among the University faculty members or academic staff who conduct research within the scope of the Center's fields of activity, are appointed as deputy directors by the Rector for a period of three years.The duties of deputy directors are limited to the Director's term of office. 
Deputy directors may be reassigned at the end of their term of office, after the Director's opinion is obtained, or their duties may be terminated before the end of their term.

The duties of assistant directors are as follows:

a) To assist the Director in the management and operation of the Centre.

​b) To carry out the duties determined by the Director.

c) To deputize for the Director when necessary.

If the term of assignment of the Director or deputy directors outside the University exceeds six months, a new Director/Deputy Director is assigned to complete the remaining term.

Board of Directors and its duties

The Board of Directors consists of five members, including the Director and Deputy Directors. Members other than the Director and Deputy Directors are assigned by the Rector upon the recommendation of the University Board of Directors from among faculty members or faculty members related to the work area of ​​the Center. The term of office of the Board of Directors members is three years. Members whose term has expired may be reassigned. A new member is assigned to complete the remaining term in place of a member who leaves office for any reason. The Board of Directors meets upon the call of the Director and decisions are taken by a simple majority vote. The Board of Directors may establish temporary working groups when deemed necessary.

The duties of the Board of Directors are as follows:

​a) To review the activities of the Center and to make decisions on matters related to the working principles, operation and management of the Center in line with the objectives specified in this Regulation.

​b) To ensure the preparation and implementation of plans and programs related to the work of the Center.

c) To decide whether the submitted projects are suitable for the Center's objectives and to prepare a working environment for suitable projects.

​ç) To determine the principles regarding the preparation of the activity report to be prepared by the Director at the end of the activity period, to evaluate the presented report, to organize the work program for the next period.

d) To determine the fees for analysis to be performed at the center.

e) To identify priority project topics that will contribute to the development of the region and Turkey in scientific and technological terms and to inform researchers.

f) To examine and decide on the programs and suggestions prepared by the Director.

g) To fulfill other duties assigned by the relevant legislation.

Advisory Board and its duties

The Advisory Board consists of at least five and at most fifteen people appointed by the Rector, with the recommendation of the Board of Directors, who are directly involved in scientific and technological research and applications and whose knowledge and experience can be utilized. The director and assistant directors are natural members of the advisory board.

The term of office of the Advisory Board members is three years. A member whose term has expired may be reassigned. The Advisory Board meets at least twice a year to evaluate the work of the Center and to report its views and suggestions on new work to the Board of Directors. If deemed necessary, representatives of public and private individuals and organizations from outside the University whose views and ideas are thought to be beneficial may be invited to the Advisory Board with the approval of the Rector.

The duties of the Advisory Board are as follows:

a) To evaluate the activities of the Center and to give opinions and recommendations on issues related to its fields of activity.

​b) To express opinions on the creation and development of a cooperation environment with industrial organizations and other scientific and technological organizations in the region.

c) To express opinions on the evaluation of non-University financial resources related to the Center and to develop suggestions for initiatives in this direction.